Frequently asked questions


What is this website for?

I use the website to show photographs and tell stories. This ranges from single images to series, from simple thoughts to stories and documentary work. Photography for me is both, a unique and individual view on the world around me and a very personal way to express myself.

Do you do streetphotography?

I have a rather broad understanding of streetphotography. I like to document everyday life around me and this is free from any restriction. I also like to create a vision and imagery from anything which attracts my attention. Those two types of photography do not exclude each other.

You do portrait work?

I sometimes do street portraits because I like the spontaneous encounter and interaction with people. In general, I prefer to put people in context and tell their story which can be usually better done with environmental portraits.


What about Storytelling?

Stories are everywhere and photography is a great way to tell them. I think images and the development of a visual language is a very powerful way to tell stories. It is an artistic form to tell a context and engage the viewer. However, I strongly believe that beside the language of images some stories benefit from text or captions.

Can I book you?

I usually don‘t like to stage people or scenes and this means that you have to give something in order to get my interest. As every person is an individual and has a story to tell, this is a good point to start. In this way, I like to get involved in your story and make photos of it. I don‘t like to shoot events like commercial photographers do.

And now what?

Enjoy to browse the content on the website and don‘t hesitate to get in contact if you have a story to tell. I would be delighted to listen to it.