First steps in a locked home


On March 22, 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic changed our way of life. We are told to avoid social contacts, and instead pass time in our homes. We still cannot oversee what this means to all of us, but it definitely has had a massive effect on our lifestyle, behaviors and emotions. Paradoxically, our son took his first steps yesterday. Even if his range for moving around is very limited, the prospect of staying at home feels even stranger. Everything has started to slow down around us. We pass time in our garden and play with the kids. I started reading a book in the evenings. Getting news about the situation from different channels was frightening at first. Now, I have become tired looking at all the presented data and charts. We usually make many decisions based on numbers in our lives, and they affect us and our understanding of the world. However, it seems there is no way out of the current situation, and that feels unreal. We follow the official recommendations. The rest is a waiting game. Being on your own offers time for reflecting on all the things we do in our everyday lives, the decisions we take, what we want, and what we need. We can analyze our everyday actions in relation to the environment and society we live in. As a medical doctor, I go to work every morning and work with the people behind the data, trying to get a real impression from the hidden world around us.